Our Process

DV Legal Clinic services are free, voluntary, and confidential.

No bills are sent for our services so there is no paper trail that could get back to the individual committing the abuse or violence. We will listen without judgment, while offering information and support.

Services are available in English, Spanish, and Haitian Creole.


Students in the DV Legal Clinic assist in the representation of victims of domestic violence in restraining order cases (209A) as well as victims of sexual assault in Harassment Order Cases (258E). Restraining orders in Massachusetts include a broad range of relief (including no abuse, stay away conditions, no contact conditions, home surrenders, child custody and child support), designed to help stop the violence or threats of future violence in a family or substantive dating relationships. The clinic also assists community-based domestic violence organizations in longer-term projects related to policy, programming and outreach.

Clinic students take on a lawyering role with their clients under the supervision of clinic faculty. Every student assists in the representation of 3-4 clients in restraining order hearings throughout the term. Students will assist clients in all stages of the restraining order process; from meeting the clients for the first time at the ex-parte phase, assisting in filling out the application and affidavit, assisting with service of the order, ongoing interviewing of the client and witnesses, hearing preparation and advocating for clients at the ten-day hearing. Students also gain substantive legal and system knowledge through the classroom component of the clinic. Role Plays, simulation exercises, and “case rounds” allow students to perfect their lawyering and litigation skills with thoughtful feedback from faculty and student colleagues.

While the clinic is available to upper-level students only, first-year students may attend the Domestic Violence Institute’s annual fall conference, which introduces incoming students to legal advocacy for victims of domestic violence in Massachusetts. First-year students with an interest in immediate training and volunteer opportunities may also apply to join LAV/DVI, a volunteer project in which law students, in collaboration with Casa Myrna Vazquez, bring legal assistance to those places victims first seek help, with a special focus on outreach to community health centers,  housing assistance programs and faith based communities. Students may also gain academic credit and experience representing survivors through independent study and cooperative education placements at legal services offices, legal projects at domestic violence shelters and other community agencies, and at the offices of private practitioners affiliated with the Institute.

The Domestic Violence Institute is a resource for survivors of domestic violence, and anyone seeking information or help with domestic violence. Students and Attorneys in our DVI Legal Clinic may provide representation in legal matters ranging from obtaining Abuse Prevention Orders to consultation on issues such as:

  1. Safety planning;

  2. Advocacy, information and referral services;

  3. Help identifying resources for things like food, housing, child care, and other necessities;

  4. Help locating mental health counseling and legal services;

  5. Applying for Victim Compensation if eligible.

You may contact the DV Legal Clinic during normal business hours at (857) 327-7650. If you are unable to reach a person directly, please leave a message and your call will be returned as soon as possible.