
  1. Rape Crisis Center Hotlines

  2. Domestic Violence Safelink
    24 hour multilingual statewide hotline available at (877) 785-2020 / TTY: (877) 521-2601

  3. Domestic Violence National Hotline
    (800) 799-7233 TTY: (800) 787-3224

  4. Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center
    The Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center is also offering remote services and their 24/7 Confidential Hotline is available at (978) 388-1888; (800) 439-0183 (TTY).

  5. RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network)
    If you have experienced sexual assault, or someone you know has, you can use The National Sexual Assault Online Hotline or call the 24/7 National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673).

  6. REACH Beyond Domestic Violence
    If you are concerned about your relationship or have concerns about a friend or family member, you can call the free, confidential 24-hour hotline at (800) 899-4000.

  7. Pet Safety — Domestic Violence Hotline
    (781) 235-8460

Community Resources

Long-term Housing

  1. Casa Myrna Housing Advocates
  2. How to Apply for Public Housing Guide
  3. Rental Vouchers
  4. Rental Assistance to Families in Transition
  5. Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program (privately owned housing)
  6. Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy program

Emergency Housing

  1. Emergency Shelter
  2. Casa Myrna Residential Program

Heating and Energy Assistance

  1. Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
  2. Heating System Repair and Replacement Program (HEARTWAP)
  3. Weatherization Assistance Program
  4. Massachusetts Good Neighbor Energy Fund

Cash Assistance

  1. Victims of Violent Crime Compensation
  2. Transitional Aid to Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC)
  3. Unemployment
  4. The Need to Leave Work: Your Rights as A Domestic Violence Survivor


  1. Childcare Financial Assistance for Needy Families


  1. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

Health Insurance

  1. MassHealth

Counseling and Therapy

  1. Casa Myrna Counseling Services
  2. Court Approved Parent Education Programs
  3. Riverside Community Care, Child and Family Services
  1. Victim Rights Law Center
  2. Greater Boston Legal Services
  3. Casa Myrna Legal Advocacy Program
  4. Find a Lawyer

Job Training / Education

  1. Section 8 Family Self Sufficient Program

Free Language Assistance

  1. Emergency Assistance Language Help

DV Organizations

  1. Casa Myrna

Hospitals and Care institutions

  1. AWAKE at Boston Children's Hospital in Boston
  2. Community Advocacy Program at Boston area community health centers
  3. Domestic Violence Program at Boston Medical Center
  4. Center for Violence Prevention and Recovery at Beth Israel Medical Deaconess Center
  5. The Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Program at Newton-Wellesley Hospital
  6. HAVEN at Massachusetts General Hospital
  7. Passageway at Brigham & Women's Hospital and Brigham/Faulkner Hospital
  8. Violence Recovery Program at Fenway Health (Cape Cod, Western Mass and Boston)
  9. Victim Resource Center at Cambridge Health Alliance

Transitional Living Programs

  1. Alternative House
    24 hr crisis hotline: (888) 291-6228
    Local line: (978) 454-1436
  2. Elizabeth Stone House
    Spanish: (617) 409-5420
    Support Groups: (617) 409-5413
  3. YMCA of Western MA (Springfield)
    Spanish: (800) 223-5001
    24 hr DV / sexual assault hotline: (800) 796-8711
    Survivor Outreach / Advocacy services:
  4. YMCA of Northeastern MA (Lawrence)
    Emergency women's shelter
    Transitional Housing
  5. New Hope
    Emergency Shelter: must call
    24/hr confidential hotline: (800) 323-4673
  6. DOVE
    24 hr hotline: (617) 471-1234
    Shelter: (617) 770-4065 ext. 300
  7. Transition House
    Emergency Shelter andTransitional and Permanent Supported Housing
  8. Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence
    Emergency Shelter: (617) 338-2356
    Transitional Housing Program
    Multilingual help line: (617) 338-2355

Statewide and Governmental Resources

Greater Boston Area

  1. Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence
    (617) 338-2355

  2. Casa Myrna
    SafeLink: (877) 785-2020

  3. Elizabeth Stone House
    For Support Groups: (617) 409-5413
    Spanish: (617) 409-5420

  4. FINEX House
    Jamaica Plain
    24/7 Crisis Hotline: (617) 288-1054

  5. HarborCov
    24/7 Crisis Hotline: (617) 884-9909

  6. REACH
    24/7 Crisis Hotline: (800) 899-4000

  7. Renewal House
    24/7 Crisis Hotline: (617) 566-6881

    24/7 Crisis Hotline: (617) 623-5900

  9. Transition House
    24/7 Crisis Hotline:(617) 661-7203

Southeastern Massachusetts

  1. A Safe Place
    24/7 Crisis Hotline: (508) 228-2111

  2. Brockton Family and Community Resources
    24/7 Crisis Hotline: (508) 583-6498

  3. DOVE
    South Shore
    24/7 Crisis Hotline: (617) 471-1234
    24/7 Crisis Hotline: (888) 314-3683 (DOVE)

  4. Independence House
    Office: (508) 771-6507
    24/7 Crisis Hotline: (800) 439-6507

  5. New Hope
    Throughout South Central and Southeastern MA
    24/7 Crisis Hotline: (800) 323-4673 (HOPE)

  6. South Shore Resource and Advocacy Center
    Office (9 a.m.-5 p.m. M-F): (508) 746-2664
    24/7 Crisis Hotline: (888) 746-2664

  7. Stanley Street Treatment and Recovery (SSTAR)'s Women Shelter
    Fall River
    Women's Shelter: (508) 675-0087

  8. Health Imperatives
    (508) 583-3005 (TTY)

  9. Martha's Vineyard Community Services
    Vineyard Haven
    24/7 Crisis Hotline: (508) 696-7233 (SAFE)

Northeastern Massachusetts

  1. Alternative House
    24/7 Crisis Hotline: (888) 291-6228
    Local: (978) 454-1436

  2. Help for Abused Women and their Children (HAWC)
    24/7 Crisis Hotline: (800) 547-1649
    Salem Office: (978) 744-6841

  3. Supportive Care
    Haverhill: (978) 686-1300
    Lawrence: (800) 691-3947

  4. Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center
    24/7 Crisis Hotline: (978) 388-1888

  5. Women's Resource Center
    Haverhill: (978) 373-4041
    Lawrence: (978) 685-2480

  6. YMCA of Greater Lawrence
    Office, 9am-5:30pm: (978) 682-3039
    24/7 Domestic Violence Hotline: (844) 372-9922

Central Massachusetts

  1. Voices Against Violence
    (800) 593-1125
    (508) 686-8686 (TTY)

  2. YWCA Central Massachusetts
    24/7 Crisis Hotline: (508) 755-9030

Western Massachusetts

  1. Elizabeth Freeman Center
    24/7 Crisis Hotline: (866) 401-2425

  2. Safe Passage
    24/7 Crisis Hotline: (413) 586-5066
    24/7 Crisis Hotline: (888) 345-5282

  3. New England Learning Center for Women in Transition (NELCWIT)
    24/7 Crisis Hotline: (413) 772-0806

  4. Womanshelter/Companeras
    24/7 Crisis Hotline: (413) 536-1628

  5. YWCA - Arch
    (800) 796-8711

  6. YCA - New Beginnings
    (800) 479-6245

Residential Programs

  1. The Second Step: (617) 965-3999
  1. SAFEPLAN / Court Advocacy: (413) 733-7100 (free)

  2. YMCA (Lawrence): Court Advocacy

  3. DOVE Legal Advocacy: Legal helpline: (617) 770-4065 x400

  4. Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence:Legal Advocacy and Representation Program: (617) 338-2350 x241